I know to link to a part in the same page like :
<a href='#A'>A</a>
<a name='A'>Here is A</a>
But when I designed it with jquery and php, ı have a problem. My design is like : There are all letters of alphabet. Under the letters, there are there are divs (item_A,item_B,item_c etc...). When the user click K letter for example, page will link to #K div and also #K div display its content.(Because when the site open first, item divs' display are none). But the problem is, although #K (K is just example) K is displayed its content, page did not redirect to #K div. You must scroll by yourself.
Here is the code :
<div class="content_letters">
<?php $array_letter = array("A","B","C","Ç","D","E","F","G","H","I","İ",
for ($i=0;$i<27;$i++) {
echo "<li><a id='letter_{$array_letter[$i]}'
href='#letter_{$array_letter[$i]}'>{$array_letter[$i]} | </a></li>";
for ($i=0;$i<27;$i++) {
<div class="content_letter_block">
<div class="text">
<div class="show_hide">
<a class="button" id="
<?php echo 'button_letter_'.$array_letter[$i]; ?>">SHOW/HIDE</a>
<a name="<?php echo "letter_".$array_letter[$i].'">';?>
<?php echo $array_letter[$i]; ?></a> starts from here</div>
<?php } ?>
<div style='display:none' id='<?php echo "item_".$array_letter[$i];?>'>
Here is item...
Here is the jquery code :
$(document).ready(function() {
// target everything with IDs that start with 'button_letter'
$("[id^='button_letter']").click(function () {
// split the letter out of the ID
// of the clicked element and use it to target
// the correct div
$("#item_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).toggle();
$("[id^='letter']").click(function () {
$("#item_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).show();
To scroll with jQuery to a specific ID in your page, use
You can specify an anchor in your url as well.
When you click the link you will be taken to that page and the document will scroll automatically to the position of
<a name="k">
Don't have the time to see all your code, but can't use a scrollTop() method ?
See here.