I'm trying to integrate the Prestashop 1.6 WebService into my Laravel 5.3 project to retrieve data. Has anybody ever done this or know of any link which could help me?
EDIT: My idea is, inside my Laravel app, whenever I click a specified like, it retrieves that data from my PrestaShop backoffice. For example, if I click on the Customers links inside my Laravel App, it shows the all the Customer information from currently in my PrestaShop back-office.
I managed to find a solution. This link: https://packagist.org/packages/protechstudio/laravel-prestashop-webservice provides a package/wrapper for most of the things that are in the documentation to integrate the webservice inside of a Laravel app.
Although to be honest, the documentation on either website is not very clarifying and I had to discover a lot of stuff by myself.