I have such text:
37 7 -------------- No aaa
40 0 -------------- No bbb
xxx zzy
aa bb cc
42 2 -------------- No ccc
xxx zyz
a b c d
43 3 -------------- No ddd
xy zz
a a
a a
52 5 -------------- No eee
yyyx zzz
When I process it with awk I get:
awk '{if($1+0==$1) p=$1 FS $2 FS $3 FS $4 FS $5; else $0=p FS $0}1' /tmp/test3 | column -t
37 7 -------------- No aaa
37 7 -------------- No aaa xxx zzz
40 0 -------------- No bbb
40 0 -------------- No bbb xxx zzy
40 0 -------------- No bbb aa bb cc
42 2 -------------- No ccc
42 2 -------------- No ccc xxx zyz
42 2 -------------- No ccc a b c d
43 3 -------------- No ddd
43 3 -------------- No ddd xy zz
43 3 -------------- No ddd a a
43 3 -------------- No ddd a a
43 3 -------------- No ddd c
52 5 -------------- No eee
52 5 -------------- No eee yyyx zzz
and I need to get following output:
37 7 -------------- No aaa
40 0 -------------- No bbb xxx zzy
40 0 -------------- No bbb aa bb cc
42 2 -------------- No ccc xxx zyz
42 2 -------------- No ccc a b c d
43 3 -------------- No ddd xy zz
43 3 -------------- No ddd a a
43 3 -------------- No ddd a a
43 3 -------------- No ddd c
52 5 -------------- No eee yyyx zzz
Thanks in advance for your help! I've also tried
awk '/-/{base=$0; next} {print base, $0}' /tmp/test4 | column -t
as suggested but it deletes the first line starting with a number if there's consecutive line starting with a number.
This sed spell solved my problem: sed -r ':a;N;/^[0-9].\n[0-9]/{P;D};:b;s/^(.)\n(.)/\1 \2\n\1/;P;s/.\n//;$d;N;/\n[0-9]/D;bb' /tmp/test2
One more question: if I have more than 8 columns in the output line is there a way to modify the sed command so it moves 9th, 10th and 11th column to a new line and copy the first 5 columns before it?
Let's say I have these 3 lines:
42 2 -------------- No ccc xxx zyz 42 2 -------------- No ccc a b c d e f 43 3 -------------- No ddd xy zz
and I'd like to get:
42 2 -------------- No ccc xxx zyz 42 2 -------------- No ccc a b c 42 2 -------------- No ccc d e f 43 3 -------------- No ddd xy zz
The Perl script below assumes the following requirements.
The input contains alternating blocks of lines starting with either a number or non-number, where each block of number-lines is followed by a block of text-lines. Updated: For the output the first five columns from the last number-line from its block need be prepended to each of the text-lines from the immediately following text-block. Other text-lines are printed as they are.
The code collects number and text lines in their buffers. They are processed and emptied once we get to the first line of the next number-lines block, which is when both buffers are non-empty.
The condition involving eof above is needed to process the last batch of number and text blocks, since no other test can work on the last line. Its placement assumes that the last line must be a text-line, what follows from my assumption of requirements.
This prints
(aligned on tabs, as expected in input and wanted in output)
Update Limit output width to 8 columns, as described in the question update
Use this modified version of the processing function
This uses splice to remove the first three columns of text output at a time and print them with the (five) columns of the last number line. This is done in a
loop so it stops once@text_cols
is all processed (printed).To test I add to the text block after the
43 3 ...
number line in the input file the followingand the output of the main program acquires these extra lines
The input file that I use to test all requirements and updates is
and the output of the program (with
function) isThis might work for you (GNU sed):
Open a window of at least two lines. If the head of the previous line is exactly the same as the current line and the current line is longer, remove the previous line and repeat. Otherwise, print then delete the first line and repeat.
N.B. this is run following the awk script.
To achieve the same solution using the original data, use:
You can use this command as mentioned below, hope it will help