To access TokenInfo I use the Google APIs Client Library for Python (oauth2client app engine). I have received an oauth2 access token and this code works fine:
def get(self):
if decorator.has_credentials() :
body = urllib.urlencode({'access_token': decorator.credentials.access_token})
http = httplib2.Http()
resp, content = http.request("",method="POST", body=body)
But when I use the decorator to create an authorized http instance:
def get(self):
if decorator.has_credentials() :
http = decorator.http()
resp, content = http.request("",method="POST")
I receive:
'status' : '400'
"error": "invalid_token",
"error_description": "either access_token or id_token required"
I studied oauth2client\ : decorator.http() not only authorizes the request, but also refreshes the access_token if it has been expired.
I very welcome ideas on how to solve this? Thanks for your help.
The TokeInfo API does not need any Authorization. The request itself has to contain the access_token. The Authorization header is ignored.
I studied oauth2client\ : decorator.http() not only authorizes the request, but also refreshes the access_token if it has been expired.
I very welcome ideas on how to solve this? Thanks for your help.
The TokeInfo API does not need any Authorization. The request itself has to contain the access_token. The Authorization header is ignored.