I've set up a project to use Coverity Scan.
Under Analysis Settings→Project Components I have
Component name Pattern Ignore in analysis
cxxopts .*/src/cxxopts.hpp Yes
STL /usr/include/c++/.* Yes
but still when I go to View defects I see 9 issues, all from files like /usr/include/c++/5.4.1/functional
. How do I actually exclude them?
Confusingly, the Overview tab shows
12 Total defects
2 Outstanding
7 Dismissed
3 Fixed
even though View defects shows 9 issues (is that the 7+2? Why are some outstanding and some dismissed, when all should be ignored?)
It looks like a regex pattern, in which case the "++" likely needs some form of escaping. I'm not sure which form, because I don't know how the strings are being interpreted or what kind of regex syntax is being used, but some variant of the following should work:
If none of these work, I'd suggest contacting scan-admin@coverity.com (listed as the contact email for questions on the scan website).
This would also explain why the overview shows results from these files at all.