In php is there a way to give a unique hash from a string, but that the hash was made up from numbers only?
return md5(234); // returns 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6
but I need
return numhash(234); // returns 00978902923102372190
(20 numbers only)
the problem here is that I want the hashing to be short.
edit: OK let me explain the back story here. I have a site that has a ID for every registered person, also I need a ID for the person to use and exchange (hence it can't be too long), so far the ID numbering has been 00001, 00002, 00003 etc...
- this makes some people look more important
- this reveals application info that I don't want to reveal.
To fix point 1 and 2 I need to "hide" the number while keeping it unique.
Numeric hash function based on the code by
* Return a number only hash
* @param $str
* @param null $len
* @return number
public function numHash($str, $len=null)
$binhash = md5($str, true);
$numhash = unpack('N2', $binhash);
$hash = $numhash[1] . $numhash[2];
if($len && is_int($len)) {
$hash = substr($hash, 0, $len);
return $hash;
// Usage
numHash(234, 20); // always returns 6814430791721596451
Try hashid.
It hash a number into format you can define. The formats include how many character, and what character included.
Will return "28630" depends on your format,
An MD5 or SHA1 hash in PHP returns a hexadecimal number, so all you need to do is convert bases. PHP has a function that can do this for you:
PHP Manual for hexdec
Since you want a limited size number, you could then use modular division to put it in a range you want.
As noted by Artefacto in the comments, using this approach will result in a number beyond the maximum size of an Integer in PHP, and the result after modular division will always be 0. However, taking a substring of the hash that contains the first 16 characters doesn't have this problem. Revised version for calculating the initial large number:
You can try
. See the documentation at: that said,
should only be used tovalidate the integrity of data
.Just use my manual hash method below:
Divide the number (e.g. 6 digit) by prime values, 3,5,7.
And get the first 6 values that are in the decimal places as the ID to be used. Do a check on uniqueness before actual creation of the ID, if a collision exists, increase the last digit by +1 until a non collision.
E.g. 123456 gives you 771428 123457 gives you 780952 123458 gives you 790476.
First of all, md5 is basically compromised, so you shouldn't be using it for anything but non-critical hashing. PHP5 has the
function, see the last parameter to true will give you a string of binary data. Alternatively, you could split the resulting hexadecimal hash into pieces of 2 characters and convert them to integers individually, but I'd expect that to be much slower.
The problem of cut off the hash are the collisions, to avoid it try:
:That give us an integer of 32 bit, negative in 32 bits installation, or positive in the 64 bits. This integer could be store like an ID in a database. This don´t have collision problems, because it fits into 32bits variable, once you convert it to decimal with the