Display Wordpress menu on specific pages

2019-07-29 12:12发布

I have 2 menus that I've registered in my functions.php

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'register_my_menu' );
function register_my_menu() {
    register_nav_menu( 'primary', __( 'Primary Menu', 'visio' ) );
    register_nav_menu( 'onepage', __( 'One Page Menu', 'visio' ) );

The One Page Menu should only display on the frontpage, which is using a custom page template template-parts/page-homepage.php

And the Primary Menu should display on all other pages.

However, when I create the if condition in my header.php - it doesn't work, it always displays the One Page Menu on the frontpage and on all other pages.

if(is_page_template('template-parts/page-homepage.php')) {
        array (
            'menu'            => 'onepage',
            'container'       => false,
            'container_id'    => false,
            'menu_class'      => 'nav navbar-nav',
            'menu_id'         => false,
            'depth'           => 2,
            'walker'          => new Description_Walker
} else {
        array (
            'menu'            => 'primary',
            'container'       => false,
            'container_id'    => false,
            'menu_class'      => 'nav navbar-nav',
            'menu_id'         => false,
            'depth'           => 2,
            'walker'          => new Description_Walker

What am I doing wrong? And how can I make this work?

标签: php wordpress
2楼-- · 2019-07-29 12:51

There are few ways that comes to my mind.

1) Using separate header.php template for home page and other page .

2) Using menu location settings .

3) Using setting options and according to them display the menu

But with your code I think you should try replace is_page_template('template-parts/page-homepage.php') with



is_page_template() is not going for directory .

function is_page_template( $template = '' ) {
    if ( ! is_page() )
        return false;

    $page_template = get_page_template_slug( get_queried_object_id() );

    if ( empty( $template ) )
        return (bool) $page_template;

    if ( $template == $page_template )
        return true;

    if ( is_array( $template ) ) {
        if ( ( in_array( 'default', $template, true ) && ! $page_template )
            || in_array( $page_template, $template, true )
        ) {
            return true;

    return ( 'default' === $template && ! $page_template );

2 ) When using menu location setting you can use

register_nav_menus( array(
    'pluginbuddy_mobile' => 'PluginBuddy Mobile Navigation Menu',
    'footer_menu' => 'My Custom Footer Menu',
) );


    if ( has_nav_menu( 'footer_menu' ) ) {
         wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'footer_menu' ) );
    } ?> 

to control the display of menu.

3) With setting options you can do something use update_option() and get_option() .

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