I run a report every week and would like to cut the rows for a particular date range into a new worksheet (i.e. all rows with transactions between the 16th of one month to the 15th of the following month).
I'd like to cut all rows between 07/16 and 08/15 and past them in a new worksheet called "Aug" And cut all rows between 08/16 and 09/15 and past them in a new workseet called "Sept"
Example data
Column A - Column B - Column C
Post Date - Name - Vendor
07/25/10 - Wilson - Starbucks
08/05/10 - Wilson - American Airlines
08/14/10 - Guang - Apple Store
08/15/10 - McGee - Staples
08/17/10 - Curry - AT&T
09/02/10 - Johnson - Exxon
09/11/10 - Simms - Old Navy
Ok, this will work if you have a header row on the destination sheet. I just implemented the August copy and paste, but it would be simple to add September or make it completely generic and have it do the whole year.