How to disable scrolling temporarily?

2018-12-31 01:04发布

I'm using the scrollTo jQuery plugin and would like to know if it is somehow possible to temporarily disable scrolling on the window element through Javascript? The reason I'd like to disable scrolling is that when you scroll while scrollTo is animating, it gets really ugly ;)

Of course, I could do a $("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); and then put it back to auto when the animation stops, but it would be better if the scrollbar was still visible but inactive.

2楼-- · 2018-12-31 01:05

Cancelling the event's as in the accepted answer is a horrible method in my opinion :/

Instead I used position: fixed; top: -scrollTop(); below.


From my jQuery popup project:

//Freeze page content scrolling
function freeze() {
    if($("html").css("position") != "fixed") {
        var top = $("html").scrollTop() ? $("html").scrollTop() : $("body").scrollTop();
        if(window.innerWidth > $("html").width()) {
            $("html").css("overflow-y", "scroll");
        $("html").css({"width": "100%", "height": "100%", "position": "fixed", "top": -top});

//Unfreeze page content scrolling
function unfreeze() {
    if($("html").css("position") == "fixed") {
        $("html").css("position", "static");
        $("html, body").scrollTop(-parseInt($("html").css("top")));
        $("html").css({"position": "", "width": "", "height": "", "top": "", "overflow-y": ""});

This code takes, width, height, scrollbar and pagejump issues into consideration.

Possible issues resolved with above code:

  • width, when setting position fixed the html element width can be smaller then 100%
  • height, same as above
  • scrollbar, when setting position fixed the page content no longer has a scrollbar even when it had a scrollbar before resulting in a horizontal pagejump
  • pagejump, when setting position fixed the page scrollTop is no longer effective resulting in a vertical pagejump

If anyone has any improvements to above page freeze/unfreeze code let me know so I can add those improvements to my project.

3楼-- · 2018-12-31 01:05

A simple solution that worked for me (disabling window scrolling temporarily).

Based on this fiddle:

the following snippet (using jquery) will disable the window scroll:

 var curScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
 $('html').toggleClass('noscroll').css('top', '-' + curScrollTop + 'px');

And in your css:

    position: fixed;
    width: 100%;
    left: 0;
    height: 100%;
    overflow-y: scroll !important;
    z-index: 10;

Now when you remove the modal, don't forget to remove the noscroll class on the html tag:

4楼-- · 2018-12-31 01:07

Store scroll length in a global variable and restore it when needed!

var sctollTop_length = 0;

function scroll_pause(){
  sctollTop_length = $(window).scrollTop();
  $("body").css("overflow", "hidden");

function scroll_resume(){
  $("body").css("overflow", "auto");
5楼-- · 2018-12-31 01:09

Depending on what you want to achieve with the removed scroll you could just fix the element that you want to remove scroll from (on click, or whatever other trigger you'd like to temporarily deactivate scroll)

I was searching around for a "temp no scroll" solution and for my needs, this solved it

make a class

    position: fixed;

then with Jquery

var someTrigger = $('#trigger'); //a trigger button
var contentContainer = $('#content'); //element I want to temporarily remove scroll from

contentContainer.addClass('notfixed'); //make sure that the element has the "notfixed" class

//Something to trigger the fixed positioning. In this case we chose a button.
someTrigger.on('click', function(){


    }else if(contentContainer.hasClass('fixed')){

I found that this was a simple enough solution that works well on all browsers, and also makes for simple use on portable devices (i.e. iPhones, tablets etc). Since the element is temporarily fixed, there is no scroll :)

NOTE! Depending on the placement of your "contentContainer" element you might need to adjust it from the left. Which can easily be done by adding a css left value to that element when the fixed class is active

    'left': $(window).width() - contentContainer.width()/2 //This would result in a value that is the windows entire width minus the element we want to "center" divided by two (since it's only pushed from one side)
6楼-- · 2018-12-31 01:09

I have the same problem, below is the way I handle it.

/* file.js */
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
//if window dont scroll
//if window scroll

/* file.css */
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;

hope this help.

7楼-- · 2018-12-31 01:10

Building on Cheyenne Forbes' answer, and one I found here via fcalderan: Just disable scroll not hide it? and to fix Hallodom's issue of the scrollbar disappearing


    position: fixed;


whatever.onclick = function(){
whatevertoclose.onclick = function(){

This code does jump you to the top of the page, but I think that fcalderan's code has a workaround.

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