I've implemented a service that listens to commands issued through ADB. An example of a command sent through ADB could look like this:
adb shell am startservice -a com.testandroid.SEND_SMS -e number 123123123 -e message "åäö"
Now, the problem here is that the encoding of the string "åäö" seems to mess up. If I take that string extras and immediately output it to the log, I get a square "[]", unknown character. If I send this message I get chinese characters in the messages app. As long as I stick to non-umlaut characters (ASCII I guess), everything works fine.
I'm using Windows 7 and the command line for this. I have not touched the encoding of the command line and I've tried to process the extras string by getting the byte characters, passing in UTF-8 as an encoding argument, then creating a new String passing in UTF-8 as an encoding argument there as well. No dice, though.
The values of the bytes, when using getBytes() are å: -27, ä: -92, ö: -74
How do I get this to play nice so I can make use of at least the umlauts?
All of this works perfectly fine in Linux.
i ran into the same issue, but finally i got it work!
if u use for example C# u have to do it like the following example:
Really important is this part "StartInfo.Arguments = Encoding.Default.GetString(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(args));", here we convert the UTF8 string into the Windows "default" charset which is known by cmd. So we send a "destroyed" "default" encoded string to cmd and the Android shell will convert it back to UTF8. So we have the "umlauts" like "üöäÜÖÄàè etc.".
Hope this helps someone.
PS: If u need a working "Framework" which supports UTF8 push/pull for files/folders also have a look at my AndroidCtrl.dll it's C# .NET4 written.
Regards, Sebastian
Concluding, either the problem is situated in cmd.exe or adb.exe. Until either one or both are updated to be more compliant with eachother I will sadly not be able to make use of this for the time being.