Infix to Postfix with function support

2019-07-29 09:00发布

There are many algorithms to convert infix to postfix all over the web. But my question is how to make that to support functions? For example sin(x+y)*z.

I will appreciate a code.

2楼-- · 2019-07-29 09:35

Thats quite easy: It work with functions too, the regular operators you use (like +,-,*) are functions too. Your problem is, that what you consider "function" (like sin) is not in infix, but they are in prefix.

To come back to your problem: Just convert these prefix functions into postfix (you should find prefix to postfix on the web too - my assumption is that you dont know the "prefix" term) beforehand.

EDIT: Basicaly it is nothing more that first convert the arguments and output them in sequence and append the name of the function afterwards.

3楼-- · 2019-07-29 09:49

The code you'll have to work out yourself. Using your specific case as an example might help get you started; the postfix form of sin(x + y) * z would be:

x y + sin z *

Note that in this one example some operations operation on two values (+ and *), and others one (sin)

Deceive 欺骗
4楼-- · 2019-07-29 10:02

If you are looking for an algorithm that gives you the conversion infix to postfix including function call support, you can use the below pseudocode(which looks like python code). I have written this for my case but not yet tested thouroughly. If you find any bugs please let me know.

I have also written a Java implementation for the same.

Also, there are few things to note about this implementation:

  1. This algorithm assumes a stream of tokens in infix. It does not parse a expression string. So each token can be identified as an operand, operator, function call etc.

  2. There are 7 different kinds of tokens:

    • Operands X, Y etc
    • Left Paranthesis - (
    • Right Paranthesis - )
    • Operators - +, *
    • Function call starts - sin(
    • Function call ends - sin( x )
    • Comma - ,
  3. Function call starts are denoted by [ character in the algorithm and function call ends are denoted by ]. Please note that function call termination is a different token than Right Paranthesis ) although they may be represented by the same character in the string expression.

  4. Every operator is a binary operator with precedence and associativity as their usual meaning.

  5. Comma , is a special binary operator with precedence of NEGATIVE INFINITY and associativity as LEFT (same as + and *). Comma operator is used to separate the arguments of a function call. So for a function call:

    first comma separates a and b
    second comma separates a,b and c
    So the postfix for the above will be 

    You can view Comma operator as a add to list function which adds the second argument to the list specified by the first argument or if both are single values it creates a list of two values.



    postfix = []
    stack = []
    for each token in infix: 
        if token is operand:
        if token is '[':
        else if token is operator:
            if stack is empty OR 
               stack[top] is '(' or stack[top] is '[':
            else if (operator)token['precedence'] > stack[top]['precedence'] OR
               ( (operator)token['precedence'] == stack[top]['precedence'] AND 
                 (operator)token['associativity') == 'RIGHT' ):
        else if token is '(':
        else if token is ')':            
            while topToken = stack.pop() NOT '(':
        else if token is ']':
            while True:
                topToken = stack.pop()
                if topToken is '[':

        else if token is ',':
            while topToken = stack.peek() NOT '[':
ゆ 、 Hurt°
5楼-- · 2019-07-29 10:02

binary operators like + can be considered as +(x,y) Similarly Consider sin, cos, etc functions as unary operators. So, sin(x+y)*z can be written as x y + sin z *. You need to give these unary functions special treatment.

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