I have setup Xamarin.IOS continuaous intergration with Visual Studio Team Services to publish ipa. But when I want to publish dSym files, the Copy Files action just doesn't recognize the pattern, even when I use exact path.
I have those patterns:
2016-08-28T05:33:42.6657530Z ##[debug]include content pattern: **/*.dsym
2016-08-28T05:33:42.6670550Z ##[debug]include content pattern: **/*.ipa
2016-08-28T05:33:42.6680380Z ##[debug]include content pattern: **/*.config
For ipa and config files, it works, but just doesn't for dsym.
2016-08-28T05:33:42.6799920Z ##[debug]Include matching /Users/myname/myagent/_work/2/s/appName/bin/iPhone/Release/**/*.dsym
2016-08-28T05:33:42.6885670Z ##[debug]Include matched 0 files
I even tried exact match, still no luck. Does anyone know why is this?
The same root cause as this issue: dSYM file missing in Xamarin iOS app in VSTS.
So you need to use "**" as a work around for now.