How do i add a document attachment when sending an email with python ? i get the email to send (please ignore: i am looping the email to send every 5 seconds, only for testing purposes, i want it to send every 30 min, just have to change 5 to 1800)
here is my code so far. how do i attach a document from my computer?
import time
import smtplib
while True:
TO = ''
SUBJECT = 'Python Email'
TEXT = 'Here is the message'
gmail_sender = ''
gmail_passwd = 'xxxx'
server = smtplib.SMTP('',587)
server.login(gmail_sender, gmail_passwd)
BODY = '\n'.join([
'To: %s' % TO,
'From: %s' % gmail_sender,
'Subject:%s' % SUBJECT,
server.sendmail(gmail_sender,[TO], BODY)
print 'email sent'
print 'error sending mail'
This is the code that worked for me- to send an email with an attachment in python
To send an attachment create a MIMEMultipart object and add the attachment to that. Here is an example from the python email examples.
Here is just a slight tweak on SoccerPlayer's post above that got me 99% of the way there. I found a snippet Here that got me the rest of the way. No credit is due to me. Just posting in case it helps the next person.