I want to perform date histogram query on my Elasticsearch data which is of the format:
and field_obj has three fields in it: a,b,c
Alongside date histogram aggregation, I want to find the average of field_obj i.e avg(field_a), avg(field_b), avg(field_c) also. I tried working it out like this:
res = es.search(index="demo",body={"from": 0, "size": 0, "query":
{"match_all": {}}, "aggs": {
"date_avg": {
"date_histogram": {"field": "datetime","interval": "year"},
"aggs": {"avg_a": {"avg": {"field": "field.a"}}},
"aggs": {"avg_b": {"avg": {"field": "field.b"}}},
"aggs": {"avg_c": {"avg": {"field": "field.c"}}},
However, this query only yields an average of field_c. All the other averages are getting overridden.
Good start! You need to do it like this and it will work: