I tried to embed a Video in my GWT Project but I get the following error in my console when I open the panel containing the video:
No source code is available for type com.google.youtube.client.YouTubeEmbeddedPlayer; did you forget to inherit a required module?
And this is the example code
YouTubeEmbeddedPlayer youTubeEmbeddedPlayer = new YouTubeEmbeddedPlayer("hqXUKxJiDls");
absolutePanel.add(youTubeEmbeddedPlayer, 200, 30);
<inherits name="com.google.gdata.YouTubeAPI" />
<inherits name="com.google.youtube.Player" />
I followed the GettingStarted wiki entry but I don't know where to put the settings.xml (it's not explained).
Thank's in advance.
Try adding gwt-youtube-api-1.0.3-sources.jar to your classpath as a standard library instead of adding it as a source attachment for gwt-youtube-api-1.0.3.jar.