I've been trying to create a UIScrollView for user registry but with no success. I'm using auto layout and all of the fields that go inside the scroll view are static. Because of the usual ambiguous height issue, I've added a UIView inside the scroll view, set the constraints to the margins of the scroll view and centered aligned it. After that I added all of the fields inside that Content View, in the storyboard.
The content fields have their constraints setup as you would expect, but when I get to the lowest field and set the bottom constraint to the bottom of the Content View then everything breaks.
I'm asked by Xcode to set the priority of some views, and when I do as is says, the Content View size stays the same and the views are shrunken.
I tried not to put the last bottom constraint and resize the Content View by code but the height is not resized as is should.
I'm looking for a good solution to do this in storyboards and auto layout.
Update: I added a bottom constraint with a low priority, but the content scroll view is not expanding to show all of the fields.
You are using auto layout so the size of the content view is determined by constraints. Follow the below steps to provide proper constraints:
Add&Set ScrollView(UIScrollView)![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/vBd3a.png)
Add&Set ContentView(UIView) with subviews
! Set ContentView Width equal to View Width
View1 should be tied to the top of the ContentView![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/1SluV.png)
View4 should be tied to the bottom of the ContentView![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/rM22i.png)
All SubView (View1, View2, View3, View4 ...) must have a height and distance between each other
P.s. In your case, if iOS > 9.0 you can replace ContentView with UIStackView