I am writing a Windows Forms App in VB.Net that will (among other things) change the IP Address, Default Gateway, Subnet Mask, and set the IP Address to Static on an image of Winfows 7 only. Sysprep is not being used. I have searched Google and only come up with 2 options. I don't believe the first solution will work for me because I do not necessarily know the name of the connection. It uses netsh to change IP settings. I was going to give a link to this example but I can't post more than 2 links...
The second solution is shown at this link (the VB.Net version) and the original code is here (the C# version). This solution uses WMI which I really don't know that much about.
When I debug the code and look at everything the code seems to be executing properly but the IP Address is still set to DHCP and all of the other setting are still the same. So, basically, what gives? Why does this code seem to not work?
Here is my code. I only made a few changes:
'Changed the 3 IPs below
Dim IPAddress As String = ""
Dim SubnetMask As String = ""
Dim Gateway As String = ""
Dim objMC As ManagementClass = New ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
Dim objMOC As ManagementObjectCollection = objMC.GetInstances()
For Each objMO As ManagementObject In objMOC
If (Not CBool(objMO("IPEnabled"))) Then
Continue For
End If
Dim objNewIP As ManagementBaseObject = Nothing
Dim objSetIP As ManagementBaseObject = Nothing
Dim objNewGate As ManagementBaseObject = Nothing
objNewIP = objMO.GetMethodParameters("EnableStatic")
objNewGate = objMO.GetMethodParameters("SetGateways")
'Set DefaultGateway
objNewGate("DefaultIPGateway") = New String() {Gateway}
objNewGate("GatewayCostMetric") = New Integer() {1}
'Set IPAddress and Subnet Mask
objNewIP("IPAddress") = New String() {IPAddress}
objNewIP("SubnetMask") = New String() {SubnetMask}
objSetIP = objMO.InvokeMethod("EnableStatic", objNewIP, Nothing)
objSetIP = objMO.InvokeMethod("SetGateways", objNewGate, Nothing)
'Changed this line so I could see if it was executing all of the way
MessageBox.Show("Updated IPAddress, SubnetMask and Default Gateway!")
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Unable to Set IP : " & ex.Message)
End Try
Next objMO
I can answer my own question. I thought of it in the shower (how cliche right?). Because this is Windows 7, all I needed to was right-click and run the program as an administrator.