I have the below code already that works but I guess there is a much better way than having lots of if statements going up in 28 days.
Could someone please show me how to say Every 28 days send email based on date created?
Thank You!
Sub Current28()
'Dim Answer As VbMsgBoxResult
'Answer = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to run?", vbYesNo, "Run Macro")
'If Answer = vbYes Then
Dim i As Integer, Mail_Object, Email_Subject, o As Variant, lr As Long
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Dim created As String
'Dim position As String
'Dim branch As String
Set Mail_Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
For i = 2 To lr
With Mail_Object.CreateItem(o)
.Subject = "Current Vendor Care 28 Days"
.To = "mail@myemail.co.uk"
.Body = Range("D" & i).Value & " " & Range("E" & i).Value & " " &
Range("F" & i).Value
' Our data below
created = Range("L" & i).Value
'position = Range("N" & i).Value
'branch = Range("T" & i).Value
' Branch logic
'If branch = "Herne Bay" Then .To = "mail@myemail"
'If branch = "Whitstable" Then .To = "whitstable@myemail"
' Send logic
If DateDiff("d", created, Date - 28) = 0 Then .send
If DateDiff("d", created, Date - 56) = 0 Then .send
If DateDiff("d", created, Date - 84) = 0 Then .send
If DateDiff("d", created, Date - 140) = 0 Then .send
If DateDiff("d", created, Date - 168) = 0 Then .send
If DateDiff("d", created, Date - 196) = 0 Then .send
If DateDiff("d", created, Date - 224) = 0 Then .send
End With
Next i
'MsgBox "E-mails successfully sent", 64
'Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set Mail_Object = Nothing
' The End If below relates to the run yes or no box
'End If
End Sub
Use modulo operator to achieve this. You might need to take care of conditions when you not want to send an mail every 28 somewhere in the future.