It may run on Unix and it will be used for email searching (Dovecot, Postfix and maildir).
Lucene is not a problem, I'm just analyzing some alternatives.
It may run on Unix and it will be used for email searching (Dovecot, Postfix and maildir).
Lucene is not a problem, I'm just analyzing some alternatives.
There is now also Elastic Search. AFAIK Stackexchange has switched to it or is in the process of doing so. (correct me if I'm wrong)
would need to know what problems you're having with Lucene, but Xapian is worth a look.
Some alternative indexers are mentioned here:
Check out the search-index module for node ( Its like a simplified, leaner lucene for Node.js.
The ones I can come up with now is native DBMS-full-text-indexing (MSSQL, MySQL both has implementations for it) aswell as Sphinx
The advantage with Sphinx is easier integration with MySQL and PostgreSQL, however Lucene is more feature-rich.
Minion from Oracle Labs is a very interesting alternative to Lucene and Xapian.
Among other interesting features, it supports search results clustering.