I am trying to make a button that has a :hover state on a popup box, when you one of the buttons I am removing the box from the DOM and saving it for future interacts. the problem is when I reattach it to the DOM in IE9 it has not cleared the :hover state until you next hover it then mouse out.
Obviously this is not present on any other browser, but is reproducible here: http://jsfiddle.net/5dXSp/
I cant find a manual way of clearing a css :hover state, and I really dont want to have to rebuild the menu every time because of this. Any thoughts?
using jquery you can do ugly things like:
to de and attach the element
Try controlling the hover with a class and jQuery. This seemed to work for me: http://jsfiddle.net/5dXSp/25/
There is one additional way to fix it. You can hide element before detaching it from DOM, but in a different event processing. Something like that:
bbb.style.visibility = "hidden" worked too.