If each array has the shape (1000, 2, 100), it is easy to use
con = np.concatenate((array_A, array_B))
to concatenate them, thus con has the shape (2000, 2, 100).
I want to dynamically append or concatenate "con" in a function. The step is described as following:
First, read data from the first file and process data to generate an array.
Secondly, read date from the second file and append generated array into the first array
def arrayappend():
for i in range(n):
#read data from file_0 to file_n-1
data = read(file_i)
#data processing to generate an array with shape (1000, 2, 100)
con = function(data)
# append con
Assuming all your files produce the same shape objects and you want to join them on the 1st dimension, there are several options:
takes a list. There are variations if you want to add a new axis (np.array(alist)
etc).Append to a list is fast, since it just means adding a pointer to the
creates a new array from the components; it's compiled but still relatively slower.If you must/want to make a new array at each stage you could write:
This probably is slower, though, if the file loading step is slow enough you might not notice a difference.
With care you might be able start with
arr = np.zeros((0,2,100))
and read all files in the loop. You have to make sure the initial 'empty' array has a compatible shape. New users often have problems with this.If you absolutely want to do it during iteration then:
This should stack it vertically.
Very non pretty, but does it achieve what you want? It is way unoptimized.
First loop will take the except branch, subsequent wont.