I need to train a model which would perform multilabel multiclass classification on text data.
I am presently trying to do the same using mlr package in R , following the directions in this link -
Multilabel Classification (using mlr R package)
1) Is there any other package recommended?
2) Otherwise, I am stuck at this place (as instructed in the article mentioned above)
classify <- getTaskData(dtmDf) ## dtmDf is my dtm converted to dataframe form
'classify' is NULL
Any help/ directions would be appreciated.
Updates:- Trying to create the 'task' object . Code as below-
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(docs)
mat <- as.matrix(dtm)
mat <- cbind(mat,data$Label)
dtmDf <- as.data.frame(mat)
target <- unique(dtmDf[,2628]) %>% as.character() %>% sort()
classify.task = makeMultilabelTask(id = "classif", data = dtmDf, target =target)
Face the following error -
Error in makeSupervisedTask("multilabel", data, target, weights, blocking) : Column names of data doesn't contain target var: 10
I was able to train it after getting the input data frame in the required format , similar to the yeast data in the tutorial link, which was given as input to the makeMultilabelTask() function