This is a continuation of the question excel different SUM.IF array function, But since I've marked that as solved, I created a new question.
What I wanted there was a distinct sum of some values, and I have implemented @Marc's solution. However the report requirements have changed. I now need to exclude all values that are hidden, but still keep the original calculation method. Basicly i want to add a feature in the same way a SUBTOTAL(109, ref) would work.
To this I've created a simple VBA function CellIsNotHidden(Range), which returns 0 or 1 depending on the cell.
Therefore my best guess would be a formula like: {=SUM(IF($B1:$B7<>$B2:$B8,D2:D8,0)*CellIsNotHidden(D2:D8))}
But this function doesn't work, because CellIsNotHidden is not an array function.
How can I solve this?
In advance, thanks
Thought I should include the simple VBA function:
Function CellIsNotHidden(InputRange As Range)
If InputRange.Cells.Height = 0 Then
CellIsNotHidden = 0
If InputRange.Cells.Width = 0 Then
CellIsNotHidden = 0
CellIsNotHidden = 1
End If
End If
End Function
Try this for UDF
. This will handle 1d (vector) and 2d arrays. Tested:Instead of using the UDF
you could also try either of these: