I have some data that I want to be basically cut down to the first 12 numbers no matter how many it goes out. The way I'm currently doing it is taking the numbers from the column C and in Column G I have a formula =Left(C3,12) I then drag down so it matches the range in C. Then I run a macro that looks like this:
Sub Macro6()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
This works but I have to constantly update the range, and it's kind of clunky. Does anyone know a better way to accomplish the same thing? (basically making the values in C become the first 12 digits only)
If I understand you correctly, your wanting to replace the contents of a cell in column C with the first 12 digits of whatever is in that same cell.
Starting with data that looks like this:
Run This:
Fastest way! No VBA required.
Fixed Width
And here is the output
The other answers are valid solutions for this as well, with the Excel formula answer being the most efficient way to accomplish it @Siddharth Rout. I am simply adding another method, that in this case might more directly answer the OP's specific needs, to copy the data from Column C to Column G.
Down the road, you might want to make it so it simply UPDATES the values in Column G, and doesn't replace them all, if you find you are running this over and over for 1 or two new records, instead of the whole group, you get the last row of column G and start from that row number. So you'd have the following only updating. This is no good if you plan on changing values in C after they are entered, as they'd be processed only once.