I am using Dojo 1.7. to implement a Android mobile App with Phonegap. Well my problem is, that I have implemented a tabbar in index.html in my project. Now I want to make a transition by clicking on a tabbar-icon from index.html to a view-div (called testdiv) of view2.html which is another html file in the same project.
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Use the url property available within the data-dojo-prop attribute as shown below -
Index.html - link to view on another page
The url property above contains the name of the html to be referened and moveTo contains the view to be displayed (your another html may have multiple views)
Sample.html - view definition
When the "detailsHeading" is clicked, the application will load sample.html and render the view - view1
theres not a lot to go by here; but im nearly a 100% sure that the 'tabbar' you speak of a dojox.mobile.TabBar?
If so, there's no support out-the-box for pulling in remote pages but you can do this by adding a dijit.layout.ContentPane to the tabbar.
Try out this code for your project, each pane loads viewX.html