This question already has an answer here:
- How to Identify tab bar items? 3 answers
I am implementing a tab bar based application and i need 6 tabs in the tab bar,but the tab bar is displaying only 4 tabs and in Fifth tab it is displaying More with 5th tab and 6th tab in table view.
Can i have 6 tabs in tab bar without More tab?
You can not have 6 tabs in tab bar without More tab. After adding 4 tabs, in Fifth tab it will display More with 5th tab and 6th tab and it is the characteristics of tab bar in iOS. You can try toolbar.
Maximum is 5 Tabs in a tabbar. This is because when there was more than 5 tab, they would be too small and for people with thicker fingers it would be difficult to hit the wanted tab.
If you really want, you can write your own tabbar-controller that allows 6 or even more tabs, but you should not do that. The chance is high, apple will reject your app because it doesn't meet apples design-rules. And I think it is good, that apple rejects such apps!
Yes you can do this thing but you need to use customview.
your tabbar works in back-ground and place a custom view at bottom in window and set delegate for it and add this view in main window.
then you will hit button at bottom and you can redirect event to appDelegate class by delegate.
where you can set your desired tab as by button hit.
i think you may get some ideas.
You will have to create your custom tab bar controller for that.