I am running a SoapUI project using Ant to get a JUnit report.
Here is my build.xml:
<project basedir="." default="testreport" name="APIAutomation">
<target name="SoapUI">
<exec dir="." executable="C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.0.0\bin\testrunner.bat">
<arg line="-r -j -a -f 'C:\Users\F3020722\Desktop\Notification\New folder' -sFirstLoginTest 'C:\Users\F3020722\Desktop\Notification\New folder\APIRegression.xml'"></arg>
<target name="testreport" depends="SoapUI">
<junitreport todir="C:\Users\F3020722\Desktop\Notification\New folder\API">
<fileset dir="C:\Users\F3020722\Desktop\Notification\New folder\API">
<include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
<report format="frames"
todir="C:\Users\F3020722\Desktop\Notification\New folder\reports\html">
I am getting an XML report properly. However, the JUnit report is empty. all
contains 0 and successrate
is Nan
Can anyone check the build.xml is correct?
You can also find a docker image for soapui and run tests & generate junit style html report as well. Refer soapui repository @ hub.docker.com
Note: that build script used docker images is exactly the same as above except the machine path.