Minitest - A test suite with method-level granular

2019-07-27 02:55发布

After an upgrade, I'm finding the same several test methods failing, so I'd like to automate testing just those instead of all methods in all classes. I want to list each class-method pair (e.g. TestBlogPosts.test_publish, TestUsers.test_signup) and have them run together as a test suite. Either in a file or on the command-line, I don't really care.

I'm aware of these techniques to run several entire classes, but I'm looking for finer granularity here. (Similar to what -n /pattern/ does on the command-line - to run a subset of test methods - but across multiple classes.)

2楼-- · 2019-07-27 03:42

You could renounce minitest/autorun and call with your self defined test selection.

An example:

gem 'minitest'
require 'minitest'
#~ require 'minitest/autorun' ##No!

#Define Test cases. 
#The `puts`-statements are kind of logging which tests are executed.
class MyTest1 < MiniTest::Test
  def test_add
    puts "call %s.%s" % [self.class, __method__]
    assert_equal(2, 1+1)
  def test_subtract
    puts "call %s.%s" % [self.class, __method__]
    assert_equal(0, 1-1)
class MyTest2 < MiniTest::Test
  def test_add
    puts "call %s.%s" % [self.class, __method__]
    assert_equal(2, 1+1)
  def test_subtract
    puts "call %s.%s" % [self.class, __method__]
    assert_equal(1, 1-1)  #will fail

#Run two suites with defined test methods.{-n /MyTest1.test_subtract|MyTest2.test_add/})  #select two specific test method

The result:

Run options: -n "/MyTest1.test_subtract|MyTest2.test_add/" --seed 57971

# Running:

call MyTest2.test_add
.call MyTest1.test_subtract

Finished in 0.002313s, 864.6753 runs/s, 864.6753 assertions/s.

2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

When you call the following test:{-n /MyTest1.test_subtract/})  #select onespecific test method
puts '=================='{-n /MyTest2.test_add/})  #select one specific test method

then you get

Run options: -n /MyTest1.test_subtract/ --seed 18834

# Running:

call MyTest1.test_subtract

Finished in 0.001959s, 510.4812 runs/s, 510.4812 assertions/s.

1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
Run options: -n /MyTest2.test_add/ --seed 52720

# Running:

call MyTest2.test_add

Finished in 0.000886s, 1128.0825 runs/s, 1128.0825 assertions/s.

1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

The takes the same parameters you use from the command line. So you can use the -n option with your selection, e.g. /MyTest1.test_subtract|MyTest2.test_add/.

You could define different tasks or methods with different to define your test suites.

Attention: No test file you load may contain a require 'minitest/autorun'.

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