So currently I am using a 3rd party software application to get results from various surveys. This application is sending the results to a page via a $_POST variable.
So for example..
$demoEMP = $_POST['demoEMP'];
This just stores the answer from the specific question into a variable.
What I want to do is store Questions 1-20 in POST variables and Insert them into a database.. What I don't want to do is write 20+ Insert commands or 20+ $var = $_POST['var']
So I was thinking a for loop would do the trick... This is what I have so far... based on looking at various methods and tutorials. =/
for ($i = 0; $i < 55; $i++) {
$answer = "Q{$i}";
echo $_POST[$answer];
Am I even on the right track? Thanks for your help!
UPDATE:: Kas' solution worked great.
I used something like this...
foreach ($_POST as $i => $v)
if (preg_match("/^Q\d+$/",$i)) {
// Here we insert value $v to database
$query_2 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO SGresult VALUES ('', '', '$pID', '$SGQID','$v')") or die('Error: '.mysql_error ());
} }
However, I am now trying to figure a way to add an ID to the question and have that ID auto increment... on every insert. I thought I could do something like $SGQID++ but that does not seem to be working.. anyone have any thoughts?
Thanks again!
okay after some more tinkering it seems the placement of the ++ was off and it needed to be after the query... the correct code is as follows.
$SGQID= 1;
foreach ($_POST as $i => $v)
if (preg_match("/^Q\d+$/",$i)) {
// Here we insert value $v to database
$query_2 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO SGresult VALUES ('', '', '$pID', '$SGQID','$v')") or die('Error: '.mysql_error ());
$SGQID++; //added value to increment Question ID in DB
You can loop over the $_POST array itself:
If you want to assign the values to PHP variables with the same name as the key of the $_POST array you can use variable variables:
The value of $_POST['demoEMP'] will then be assigned to $demoEMP.