Year variable value pos
1 2001-04-01 Purchase 4471.05 TRUE
2 2002-04-01 Purchase 5084.00 TRUE
3 2003-04-01 Purchase 0.00 TRUE
4 2004-04-01 Purchase 0.00 TRUE
5 2005-04-01 Purchase 0.00 TRUE
6 2006-04-01 Purchase 740.00 TRUE
7 2007-04-01 Purchase 720.00 TRUE
8 2008-04-01 Purchase 13510.00 TRUE
9 2009-04-01 Purchase 104480.34 TRUE
10 2010-04-01 Purchase 85399.39 TRUE
11 2011-04-01 Purchase 78799.05 TRUE
12 2012-04-01 Purchase 142271.84 TRUE
13 2013-04-01 Purchase 164240.00 TRUE
14 2014-04-01 Purchase 54579.00 TRUE
15 2015-04-01 Purchase 10.00 TRUE
16 2016-04-01 Purchase 88124.00 TRUE
17 2001-04-01 Sale 23795.10 TRUE
18 2002-04-01 Sale 35418.45 TRUE
19 2003-04-01 Sale 53401.52 TRUE
20 2004-04-01 Sale 41598.01 TRUE
21 2005-04-01 Sale 2899.24 TRUE
22 2006-04-01 Sale 4652.71 TRUE
23 2007-04-01 Sale 5845.26 TRUE
24 2008-04-01 Sale 7587.17 TRUE
25 2009-04-01 Sale 9932.03 TRUE
26 2010-04-01 Sale 9931.45 TRUE
27 2011-04-01 Sale 11574.75 TRUE
28 2012-04-01 Sale 8186.81 TRUE
29 2013-04-01 Sale 10737.00 TRUE
30 2014-04-01 Sale 2577.00 TRUE
31 2015-04-01 Sale 63428.00 TRUE
32 2016-04-01 Sale 35800.00 TRUE
33 2001-04-01 Net -19324.05 FALSE
34 2002-04-01 Net -30334.59 FALSE
35 2003-04-01 Net -53401.52 FALSE
36 2004-04-01 Net -41598.01 FALSE
37 2005-04-01 Net -2899.24 FALSE
38 2006-04-01 Net -3912.71 FALSE
39 2007-04-01 Net -5125.38 FALSE
40 2008-04-01 Net 5922.83 TRUE
41 2009-04-01 Net 94548.32 TRUE
42 2010-04-01 Net 75467.93 TRUE
43 2011-04-01 Net 67224.30 TRUE
44 2012-04-01 Net 134086.03 TRUE
45 2013-04-01 Net 153503.00 TRUE
46 2014-04-01 Net 16675.00 TRUE
47 2015-04-01 Net -63418.00 FALSE
48 2016-04-01 Net 52324.00 TRUE
Created a side by side barplot for rows 33 to 48:
library(ggplot2) #development version
p<-ggplot(df2[33:48,], aes(x=Year, y=value, fill=pos)) +
geom_bar(stat='identity', position='identity') + ggtitle("OMO (Rs'crores)\n") + theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="bold",colour = "darkred",hjust =0.5,vjust = 2,size = 9)) + labs(x = "\nYear", y = "Rs crores\n",caption="Sources:Data is from RBI site")+scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-65000,200000),breaks =c(-60000,-30000,0,30000,60000,90000,120000,150000,180000,180000)) + scale_x_date(date_breaks = "2 year",date_labels = "%Y")
I want to add (overlay) the rows 1 to 16 and 17 to 32 as 2 separate line plots on the above bargraph:
I tried this:
Adding the first line (variable=="purchase") p + geom_line(df2[1:16],aes(x=Year, y=value)) Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class uneval
Where am I going wrong?
I think this is about what you want. I rearranged the dataframe, and adjusted the values a bit, and added a legend for the lines.
Yielding this:
reworked the above solution to get it right
Rearrange the dataframe
NOw plot it
The bars
The Lines