I'm trying to run Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) within an OSGi container (spring-dm). I'm able to access the JAI libraries, but receive the following error when I call JAI for the first time:
Error: Could not load mediaLib accelerator wrapper classes. Continuing in pure Java mode. Occurs in: com.sun.media.jai.mlib.MediaLibAccessor com.sun.media.jai.mlib.MediaLibLoadException
The DLLs are on the classpath and referenced as Bundle-NativeCode libraries in my Manifest. Is it possible to run the native JAI DLLs within OSGi? If so, what do I need to do?
(edit: clarifications)
I downloaded the Windows JAI library and extracted JARs and DLLs from the download package.
Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-Name: Java Advanced Imaging Bundle-SymbolicName: javax.media.jai Bundle-Version: 1.1.3 Bundle-ClassPath: libs/, jai_codec.jar, jai_core.jar, mlibwrapper_jai.jar Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6 Bundle-NativeCode: libs/mlib_jai_mmx.dll; osname=WindowsXP; processor=x86, libs/mlib_jai_util.dll; osname=WindowsXP; processor=x86, libs/mlib_jai.dll; osname=WindowsXP; processor=x86 Export-Package:
The declaration of the
block doesn't look right. According to the OSGi specification (which I highly recommend you download - it's pretty straight-forward), all libraries for a single platform should be specified in the same clause, so that changes it to:In general I don't recommend rolling your own bundle manifests if you can find them elsewhere (this one is pretty simple besides the native code part). In this case, I found them 2 of them at the Spring repository. It doesn't include the native code part - probably due to license issues.