I have a feed which gives feed in the following format: "Fri 14 Oct"
I want to see if today's date matches the date from the feed. My problem is the format of today's date/
$today = date("d m");
This outputs 17 10.
What is the best way to format $today so that it outputs Day (shorthand) space date (number) Month (shorthand) ?
how about:
As explained in date() reference manual.
Anyway you should be aware of timezone issues unless you are 100% sure that your server is in the same timezone of the feed you are comparing.
I would follow a different approach though, you can parse the feed's date using DateTime::createFromFormat() which also understand timezones, and then compare it with today's date.
For more details, please visit http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_date_date.asp
PHP Date Documentation