I'm new to angular 2 material design the things i see was the 3 class primary, accent and warn that gives respective colors to the element, are these only things we can style out app using angular material 2? are there other class too? so that we can modify and use it for our purpose, or we have to style our app from scratch by making classes and attaching to the element,
Also I want to use themes but i dnt know how to use it in angular 2 project, im following official documentation this
I included this line in style.css but nothing happened
@import '~@angular/material/core/theming/prebuilt/deeppurple-amber.css'
what is the concept of theme btw
If you are using angular-cli, which I recommend you to do.
Create a 'custom-theme.scss' in your app folder.
In your angular-cli.json add the custom style to the styles: