I am using postman REST client to execute softlayer REST API's
.current trying to create snapshot of vm
I am getting error,
"A template guest record is required to use this method"
when executing below rest call:
in form data using below file
"my-new-standard-image-name ",
"id": 6862924,
"complexType": "SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device"
"api note"
Can anyone help me with this issue?
Follow these steps to create an image from Virtual Guest.
1 Get Block Devices from Virtual Guest
The following Rest request will help with it:
Replace 22334455 with your VSI id.
You will get a result like this:
2 Create image template
Make sure to not include swap partition and CD mounts.
Replace 11223344 and 22334455 with your identifiers from your Virtual Guest and its block device(s)