I try to clone a GIT repository with EGit using SSH. I can log on to the machine, see the available branches and choose where to put everything locally. Then when I proceed to actually do the cloning, I get an Eclipse "Problem Occured" box stating: "Cloning from ssh://[my user name]@[my address] has encountered a problem. ssh://[my user name]@[my address]: Password:". The details for the problem only list "ssh://[my user name]@[my address]: Password:" twice.
The only possible reason I can think of, might be that on the remote compute only Git 1.6.0.x is installed - and I don't have the rights to update it.
Can you clone the repository using native git? If you can do that, just clone it using native git and then import the project into eclipse using:
If your eclipse runs on Windows, you will need a linux machine (virtual machine will do) and clone the repo into a NTFS or Fat32 formatted storage. Then you will be able to copy the cloned repo into your git folder on the windows machine.