I have a problem using if conditions in mysql
I'm trying the following:
I have two models: Pubs and Schedules (where I store statically the pubs schedules). They 're related one to each other as follows:
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany
public function pubSchedules()
return $this->hasMany( Schedule::class );
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo
public function pub()
return $this->belongsTo(Pub::class);
table schedules has the following fields:
id| pub_id | week_day | opening_time | closing_time
I'm developing a filter that shows only open pubs in current moment.
The first function I made works perfectly:
public static function isPubCurrentlyOpen($pubs)
$pubs->whereHas('pubSchedules', function ($pubs) {
$pubs->where('week_day', Carbon::now()->dayOfWeek)
"'" . Carbon::now('Europe/Madrid')->format("H:i:s") .
"' BETWEEN opening_time AND closing_time
} );
it returns a query that can join with other filters.
The problem is when I have a pub with this kind of schedule: 09:00 - 03:00 in the same day. Of course 03:00 is in the following day, but we chose this possibility to make easier for the client to store the schedules.
Well, in this example it makes that "Carbon::now('Europe/Madrid')->format("H:i:s")" is not between opening_time and closing_time, so this pub it's not going to appear as opened (when it is).
Making some tests on MySql I tried something like this:
CONCAT(YEAR(NOW()), '-', MONTH(NOW()), '-', `week_day`, ' ',
`opening_time`) AS `opening_datetime`,
IF(`closing_time` < `opening_time`,
CONCAT(YEAR(NOW()), '-', MONTH(NOW()), '-', `week_day` + 1, ' ',
CONCAT(YEAR(NOW()), '-', MONTH(NOW()), '-', `week_day`, ' ',
) AS `closing_datetime`
FROM tappear_borrador.schedules
It works perfectly setting "one more day" to the closing_time when it's greater than 00:00, but I'm having problems to set it in my function:
$pubs->whereHas('pubSchedules', function ($pubs) {
$pubs->where('week_day', Carbon::now()->dayOfWeek)
"'" . Carbon::now('Europe/Madrid')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') .
"' BETWEEN CONCAT(YEAR(NOW()), '-', MONTH(NOW()), '-', ".Carbon::now()->dayOfWeek.", ' ', opening_time)
AND IF(closing_time < opening_time,
CONCAT(YEAR(NOW()), '-', MONTH(NOW()), '-', ".Carbon::now()->dayOfWeek." + 1, ' ', closing_time),
CONCAT(YEAR(NOW()), '-', MONTH(NOW()), '-', ".Carbon::now()->dayOfWeek.", ' ', closing_time)
} );
This I made it's not returning anything (any error too). ((I also checked that json_die(Carbon::now()->dayOfWeek+1) doesn't return one more value to current day...may it be one of the problems?)),
Check that changed current moment to compare years/month/h:i:s with opening and closing times.
So friends: I need your help to improve my last code to make if closing_time < opening_time, closing_time will be in the following day and then compare if current moment is/not between .
Any ideas? Thanks a lot