This is very closely related to this other question, but that question wanted to avoid sub2ind
because of performance concerns. I am more concerned about the "unelegance" of using sub2ind
Let's suppose I want to create another MxN matrix which is all zeros except for one entry in each column that I want to assign from the corresponding entry in a vector, and choice of row in each column is based on another vector. For example:
z = zeros(10,4);
rchoice = [3 1 8 7];
newvals = [123 456 789 10];
% ??? I would like to set z(3,1)=123, z(1,2)=456, z(8,3)=789, z(7,4)=10
I can use sub2ind
to accomplish this (which I used in an answer to a closely related question):
z(sub2ind(size(z),rchoice,1:4)) = newvals
but is there another alternative? Seems like logical addressing could be used in some way but I'm stumped, because in order to set the elements of a logical matrix to 1, you're dealing with the same element positions as in the matrix you actually want to address.
You can just add the number of rows in previous columns to
to get the linear index directly.There's a much simpler way of doing it.