I'm experimenting with some code for hover messages on top of ggplot2 objects, and so far it is working quite well, except now the following challenge goes beyond my skills I fear:
In an App where I will have about 6 to 72 similar ggplots spread over various pages in my app, I would like to be able to attach the hover javascript to all of them automatically: i.e. change from a single tags$script to a generic solution that works for all plots
I tried to build a new plotOutput2 function but I can't get it to work at all.
plotOutput2 <- function(outputId, width = "100%", height = "400px", click = NULL,
dblclick = NULL, hover = NULL, hoverDelay = NULL, hoverDelayType = NULL,
brush = NULL, clickId = NULL, hoverId = NULL, inline = FALSE,
onhover) {
input <- plotOutput(outputId, width, height, click, dblclick,
hover, hoverDelay, hoverDelayType, brush, clickId, hoverId, inline)
attribs <- c(input$children[[2]]$attribs, onhover = onhover)
input$children[[2]]$attribs <- attribs
but I get an error that says:
input$children[[2]] : subscript out of bounds
The idea is to then call this:
plotOutput2("ploty", hover = hoverOpts(id = "ploty_hover", delay = 0), onhover = "hoverJS(this.id)"),
and the javascript (unfinished) needs to look something like this but create unique output ids instead of #my_tooltip
that contain the plotname + tooltip
: i.e.: #distPlot_tooltip
hoverjs <- c(
"function hoverJS(id){",
"document.getElementById(id).mousemove(function(e) {",
"top: (e.pageY + 5) + 'px',",
"left: (e.pageX + 5) + 'px'",
with the following line in the UI
tags$script(HTML(hoverjs)), ## to add the javascript to the app
The app with only a single precoded javascript hover popup for one plot (top one of the two) looks like this:
# put function plotOutput2 here
# put hoverJS code here
ui <- fluidPage(
#my_tooltip {
position: absolute;
width: 300px;
z-index: 100;
padding: 0;
$(document).ready(function() {
// id of the plot
$("#ploty").mousemove(function(e) {
// ID of uiOutput
top: (e.pageY + 5) + "px",
left: (e.pageX + 5) + "px"
selectInput("var_y", "Y-Axis", choices = names(iris)),
plotOutput("ploty", hover = hoverOpts(id = "ploty_hover", delay = 0)),
plotOutput("plotx", hover = hoverOpts(id = "plotx_hover", delay = 0)),
server <- function(input, output) {
output$ploty <- renderPlot({
ggplot(iris, aes_string("Sepal.Width", input$var_y)) +
output$plotx <- renderPlot({
ggplot(mtcars, aes_string("mpg", 'hp')) +
output$my_tooltip <- renderUI({
hover <- input$ploty_hover
y <- nearPoints(iris, input$ploty_hover)
req(nrow(y) != 0)
wellPanel(DT::dataTableOutput("vals"), style = 'background-color:#fff; padding:10px; width:400px;border-color:#339fff')
output$vals <- DT::renderDataTable({
hover <- input$ploty_hover
y <- nearPoints(iris, input$ploty_hover)
req(nrow(y) != 0)
DT::datatable(t(y), colnames = rep("", ncol(t(y))), options = list(dom = 't', searching = F, bSort = FALSE))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
EDIT based on initial answer:
I will have (currently) 7 groups of plots in my app, each plot name will start with a name identifying the group (each group uses a different data frame): in the example 2 groups: 'FP1Plot' and 'CleanFP1' The subplots within one group will get a serialnr i.e.: 'FP1Plot_1', 'FP1Plot_2', 'CleanFP1_1', 'CleanFP1_2'
I have tried to rewrite the hovers <- ....
to make it a easily generated list for the possible huge (>100) number of plots, and will look up the needed dataframe in an if statement construction,
but at this point the hover doesn't react
mtcars <- as.data.table(mtcars)
max_plots <- 12;
ui <- pageWithSidebar(
headerPanel("Dynamic number of plots"),
sidebarPanel(width = 2, sliderInput("n", "Number of plots", value=5, min=1, max=max_plots),
h4('click points to see info'),
h4('select area to zoom'),
h4('Double click to unzoom')
#my_tooltip {
position: absolute;
width: 300px;
z-index: 100;
padding: 0;
$(document).ready(function() {
$("[id^=plot]").mousemove(function(e) {
top: (e.pageY + 5) + "px",
left: (e.pageX + 5) + "px"
style = 'width:1250px'
server <- function(input, output, session) {
plotlist <- c('FP1Plot', 'CleanFP1')
ranges <- reactiveValues()
# make the individual plots
lapply(1:input$n, function(i){
plotname <- paste0('FP1Plot', i)
output[[plotname]] <- renderPlot({
ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg, color = as.factor(cyl))) + geom_point() +
coord_cartesian(xlim =ranges[[paste('FP1Plot', i, 'x', sep = '')]],
ylim = ranges[[paste('FP1Plot', i, 'y', sep = '')]]
) +
theme_classic() +
legend.position = 'bottom')
lapply(1:input$n, function(i){
plotname <- paste0('CleanFP1', i)
output[[plotname]] <- renderPlot({
ggplot(iris, aes(iris[ ,ncol(iris)-1], iris[ ,i], color = as.factor(Species))) + geom_point() +
coord_cartesian(xlim =ranges[[paste('CleanFP1', i, 'x', sep = '')]],
ylim = ranges[[paste('CleanFP1', i, 'y', sep = '')]]
) +
theme_classic() +
legend.position = 'bottom')
# make the divs with plots and buttons etc
lapply(plotlist, function(THEPLOT) {
output[[paste(THEPLOT, 'multiplots', sep = '')]] <- renderUI({
plot_output_list <- list()
n <- input$n
n_cols <- if(n == 1) {
} else if (n %in% c(2,4)) {
} else if (n %in% c(3,5,6,9)) {
} else {
Pwidth <- 900/n_cols
Pheigth <- 500/ceiling(n/n_cols) # calculate number of rows
Pwidth2 <- Pwidth+40
Pheigth2 <-Pheigth+40
plot_output_list <- list();
for(i in 1:input$n) {
plot_output_list <- append(plot_output_list,list(
div(id = paste0('div', THEPLOT, i),
plotOutput(paste0(THEPLOT, i),
width = Pwidth,
height = Pheigth,
hover = hoverOpts(id = paste(THEPLOT, i, "hover", sep = '_'), delay = 0)
# click = paste0(THEPLOT, i, '_click'),
# dblclick = paste0(THEPLOT, i, '_dblclick'),
# brush = brushOpts(
# id = paste0(THEPLOT, i, '_brush'),
# resetOnNew = TRUE
# )
style = paste('border-color:#339fff; border-width:2px; background-color: #fff; width:', Pwidth2, 'px; height:', Pheigth2, 'px', sep = '')),
style = paste('display: inline-block; margin: 2px; width:', Pwidth2, 'px; height:', Pheigth2, 'px', sep = ''))
do.call(tagList, plot_output_list)
eg <- expand.grid(plotlist, 1:max_plots)
tooltipTable <- reactive({
## attempt to make this work for the large amount of plots in my app
hovers <- as.list(sapply(c(sprintf('%s_%s', eg[,1], eg[,2])), function(key) key = eval(parse(text = paste('input$', key, '_hover', sep = ''))) ))
notNull <- sapply(hovers, Negate(is.null))
plotid <- names(which(notNull))
plothoverid <- paste0(plotid, "_hover")
dataset <- if(grepl('FP1Plot', plotid)) { mtcars } else { iris }
## I will add some code here based on the plot nr to grab the needed columns for the x and y data of the specific plot, since the list of x and y columns will be stored in two vectors:
## 1 vector with x parameter 1:12, and 1 for y.
## every group of plots will use the same list of selected x and y parameters
# (or if I switch to plot group specific lists, the lists will contain the group names just like the plots, so I can link them by name here)
y <- nearPoints(dataset, input[[plothoverid]],
threshold = 15)
datatable(t(y), colnames = rep("", nrow(y)),
options = list(dom = 't'))
output$my_tooltip <- renderUI({
style = 'background-color:#fff; padding:10px; width:400px;border-color:#339fff')
output$vals <- renderDT({
shinyApp(ui, server)
I don't understand the general context, but maybe this can help: