-Python- Move All PDF Files in Folder to NewDirect

2019-07-26 01:30发布

I'm trying to write code that will move hundreds of PDF files from a :/Scans folder into another directory based on the matching each client's name. I'm not sure if I should be using Glob, or Shutil, or a combination of both. My working theory is that Glob should work for such a program, as the glob module "finds all the pathnames matching a specified pattern," and then use Shutil to physically move the files?

Here is a breakdown of my file folders to give you a better idea of what I'm trying to do.

Within :/Scans folder I have thousands of PDF files, manually renamed based on client and content, such that the folder looks like this:

lastName, firstName - [contentVariable] (repeat the above 100,000x)

Within the :/J drive of my computer I have a folder named 'Clients' with sub-folders for each and every client, similar to the pattern above, named as 'lastName, firstName'

I'm looking to have the program go through the :/Scans folder and move each PDF to the matching client folder based on 'lastName, firstName'

I've been able to write a simple program to move files between folders, but not one that will do the aforesaid name matching.


^ Moving a file from one folder to another.. quite easily done.

Is there a way to modify the above code to apply to a regex (below)?

shutil.copy('C:/Users/Kenny/Documents/Scan_Drive/\w*', 'C:/Users/Kenny/Documents/Clients/\w*')

EDIT: @Byberi - Something as such?

path = "C:/Users/Kenny/Documents/Scans" dirs = os.path.isfile()

This would print all the files and directories

for file in dirs: print file

dest_dir = "C:/Users/Kenny/Documents/Clients" for file in glob.glob(r'C:/*'): print(file) shutil.copy(file, dest_dir)

I've consulted the following threads already, but I cannot seem to find how to match and move the files.

Select files in directory and move them based on text list of filenames


Python move files from directories that match given criteria to new directory




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