I'd like to have two rows under "Fluid9" and this isn't working. The first row should have three plots whereas the second row should only have 1 plot spanning the width (9) of the 3 plots in the first row. What am I missing?
I'm trying to get something like this layout (see 2nd image below), except that i don't need the sliders on the left side.
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
numericInput('H_lbv', 'Height - lower bound', 10),
numericInput('H_ubv', 'Height - upper bound', 21),
numericInput('D_lbv', 'Diam. - lower bound', 8),
numericInput('D_ubv', 'Diam. - upper bound', 16),
numericInput('ro_lbv', 'Dens. - lower bound', 0.3),
numericInput('ro_ubv', 'Dens. - upper bound', 1.0)
column(width = 9,
), fluidRow( ## I thought this would work to add the second row
Server code:
server <- function(input, output) {
xseq <- reactive({
x1 <- input$H_lbv - (input$H_ubv - input$H_lbv)/2 # set my x-axis left bound
x2 <- input$H_ubv + (input$H_ubv - input$H_lbv)/2 # set my x-axis right bound
# return
seq(x1, x2, 0.01)
densities <- reactive({
dpar <- get.norm.par(p = c(lb, ub), q = c(input$H_lbv, input$H_ubv), plot = FALSE)
mean <- dpar[1]
sd <- dpar[2]
# return
dnorm(xseq1, mean, sd)
densities2 <- reactive({
dpar2 <- get.norm.par(p = c(lb, ub), q = c(input$D_lbv, input$D_ubv), plot = FALSE)
mean2 <- dpar2[1]
sd2 <- dpar2[2]
# return
dnorm(xseq2, mean2, sd2)
densities3 <- reactive({
dpar3 <- get.norm.par(p = c(lb, ub), q = c(input$ro_lbv, input$ro_ubv), plot = FALSE)
mean3 <- dpar3[1]
sd3 <- dpar3[2]
# return
dnorm(xseq3, mean3, sd3)
output$plot <- renderPlot({
plot(xseq1, densities(),
col = "darkgreen", xlab="", ylab="Density", type="l",lwd=2, cex=2,
main="Height", cex.axis=.8)
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
plot(xseq2, densities2(),
col = "darkgreen", xlab="", ylab="Density", type="l",lwd=2, cex=2,
main="Diameter", cex.axis=.8)
output$plot3 <- renderPlot({
plot(xseq3, densities3(),
col = "darkgreen", xlab="", ylab="Density", type="l",lwd=2, cex=2,
main="Packing Density", cex.axis=.8)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Within your new fluidRow, the new max width becomes 12 (it's always nested). So you need to change the width of the three columns from width = 3 to width = 4, and change the last column from width = 9 to width = 12.