I am working on a django app. I understood django creates some tables for users, permissions, groups in database. In that database, already another django app is running. so, already it has default tables. Now, I need to create other app in same database. But I think it creates conflict on users,groups,permissions. So, I want to create all tables with some other names.
Updated I looked at django-table-prefix which doesn't work with 1.8+ .I am using django 1.10
My question is
How to create/migrate django app with different table names for users,groups, permissions or is there any other way?
Sorry for my silly question. Thanks
If you have an existing Django project, which creates the default tables, you can just add a new **app* to the project. The app can be dependent upon those tables or not, depending on the functionality of the app. Here's the section on Django's website that discusses projects versus apps: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/intro/tutorial01/#creating-the-polls-app.
Advanced Use: Here's the section on how to write reusable apps. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/intro/reusable-apps/
I hope this helps.