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I'm introducing in javafx and i found it very interesting. But I have got a problem that i can't solve. In the simplest case of a Hello World I can't put a @FXML public static var like this:
public class FXMLDocumentController implements Initializable
public static Label label;
private void handleButtonAction(ActionEvent event)
System.out.println("You clicked me!");
label.setText("Hello World!");
If I change it to private it works. The cause of that I want to made this vars publics is because I'm using diferents controllers for diferents views (in my real app) and i want to communicate between theirs.
PS: Sorry for my bad english
You should not use a static field here. Your controller belongs to one view and every time the view is created by the FXML Loader new instances of all nodes in the view will be created. SO by calling the FXML Loader 2 times you will receive 2 instances of the view. In addition a new instance of your controller class will be created whenever you load the view by using the FXML viewer. By using a static field you will override values of old controller instances and this will end in horrible bugs. Here is a short introduction to the static keyword: What does the 'static' keyword do in a class?
If you just remove "static" it will work. Instead of using public fields you should add getter and setter methods to your controller class and mark the field as private: Why use getters and setters?
I want to do something similar like this: I'm working with tabs and i have this two controllers:
something similar like that video: