I have been trying to improve my code (with numba and multiprocessing), but I cannot quite get it, because my function has a lot of arguments.
I have already simplified it with other functions (see below)...
As each agent (a class instance) is independent of each other for these actions, I would like to replace the for
with Pool
So I would get a large function pooling()
that I would call and pass the list of agents
from multiprocessing import Pool
p = Pool(4)
p.map(pooling, list(agents))
But, where do I ADD all the arguments that the pooling function will need?
As it is:
def check_demographics(month, my_agents, families, firms, year, mortality_men, mortality_women, fertility, state_id):
dummy = list(my_agents)
d = str(state_id.iloc[0])
# Place where I would like to replace the LOOP. All below would be a function
for agent in dummy:
if agent.get_region_id()[:2] == d:
# Brithday
if month % 12 == agent.month - 1:
# Mortality probability
if agent.get_gender() == 'Male':
prob = mortality_men[mortality_men['age'] == agent.get_age()][year].iloc[0]
# When gender is Female
# Extract specific agent data to calculate mortality 'Female'
prob = mortality_women[mortality_women['age'] == agent.get_age()][year].iloc[0]
# Give birth decision
age = agent.get_age()
if 14 < age < 50:
pregnant(agent, fertility, year, families, my_agents)
# Mortality procedures
if fixed_seed.random() < prob:
mortal(my_agents, my_graveyard, families, agent, firms)
It is the most time consuming function in my programme.
And @jit
is not helping much.
Thanks a bunch
Yes, there is a lot of parameters! Consider using a class.
Well, since
support only one iterable argument, you need to group everything in one place. I suggest you to use the "Facade" pattern: an intermediate class used to store all required parameters and having a single method (I call itcheck
) without parameter (it's a method).Remark: my refactoring is really ugly, but I wanted to keep variable names unchanged for clarity.
Then your loop can be something like that:
You said that each agent is independent of each other but, after analysing the loop, I see that you need the complete list of agents (the
parameters). It's obvious with theFacade
class. So your agent list must not change and the internal state of each agent must be frozen during looping.