I have 2 webforms the closeporject button in webform 1 redirects to Webform 2 and asks whether do you really want to close the project. How can I capture the button click event of webform 2 in webform 1 ? Someone told me it has to do something with querystring in address bar. I am not allowed to use javascript to display my message box.
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You can post data from one page to the other. Here from Page2.aspx to Page1.aspx as
On the page2, you set PostBackUrl on the button that say Continue/Select what ever.
and on Page1.aspx you set where can read the posted data.
and you get the data as
relative: Cross-page posting. Is it a good pratice to use PreviousPage in Asp.net?
More about Cross Page posting: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178139.aspx