I'm a beginner in programming. I do a query to the spreadsheet in cell A2, then I filter data according to request and receive desired range “I1:L16”.Then I return the data to the tablet. Everything is fine back on the tablet,but it is uncomfortable to read, no line breaks! Please tell me how can I return the range "I1:L16" in the same form as in the spreadsheet that it is became row by row .
My script
function doGet(e)
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1UBKi7VDo1aJjn6IwGMKvlxy4Jz9d9jVdY79zpOrkQP8");
sheet.getRange("A2").setValue(e.parameter.p1) ;
var n= sheet.getRange("I1:L16").getValues();
return ContentService.createTextOutput(n);
Spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UBKi7VDo1aJjn6IwGMKvlxy4Jz9d9jVdY79zpOrkQP8/edit?usp=sharing
URL Web applications: sample query https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyHu7d5djciltlG-micI6O-cQheC6kN7yWKkevm5KwGCJiKROZB/exec?p1=1234567891118
Best regards, Alexander.
You can do something like this:
Edit: Alternative/Robust option
The better option is to service a Html content, that way you can make use of Html tag to improve presentation of your data. In the below data I am assuming you want to highlight row 6, you do that using css element to make the text red and bold. Code:
Hope that helps!