So, I have this ng-repeat which has a model inside subj.Prerequisites, subj.Prerequisites can contain an array e.g ['SUBJ1', 'SUBJ2']. What i wanted to do is when i click on my input text inside this ng-repeat there will be a shown list of subjects below which allow multiple selection and then with the multiple selected items should be binded to the clicked input text.
<div ng-repeat="subj in sem.subjects track by $index">
<md-input-container flex class="no-error-spacer uk-margin-remove">
<input type="text" ng-model="subj.Prerequisites" ng-value="(subj.Prerequisites.length <= 0) ? null : subj.Prerequisites" readonly="true">
<select multiple>
<option ng-repeat="sb in subjects" value="sb.subjectCode>{{ sb.subjectCode }}</option>
Its kind the hard for me though. Please someone help me. Thank you so much!
As per my understanding of your question. Please look into this working plunker :
PS: I have left {{multipre}} intentionally for your understanding of model.
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Try This :
This addressees to your requirement.