I have been trying to populate yaxis values on my highchart as per defined by me and results should be shown accordingly but all my efforts are in vain i am not able to manually set this.value
of yaxis of highchart . Following is a link to my Jsfiddle . Kindly help..
In the following JS COde I have been trying to set the this.value
of yaxis to the arrayed values of yAxisLabels but values are not being labled and chart is not dislayed accordingly.
var yAxisLabels = ['5','10','20','30','40','50'];
yAxis: {
labels: {
formatter: function () {
for (i=0; i<=5; i++) {
return this.value;
title: {
text: 'Total fruit consumption'
stackLabels: {
enabled: true,
style: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.textColor) || 'blue'
you can also set like this
You can use the Tick Positioner to define your axis tick values:
See jsfiddle
The important parts are:
your axis label array containing numbers and not strings
the tickPositioner returning your array.
TickPositioner Documentation