I have a gridview as you can see here:
As you can see i read the data in materialrequestcontractorId
i have a listbox that this listbox reads its value from the database as you can see here:
List<MaterialRequestContractor> lstMRC = _materialRequestContractorRepository.Get().ToList();
foreach (MaterialRequestContractor VARIABLE in lstMRC)
But the problem is i need to show my user the name of my MaterialRequestContractor
not its id
,the id should be the value of my name and be saved in database .but in devexpress i can't assign this value and text to list box?
I have a record in my MaterialRequestContractor database with id=1
DevExpress provides several lookup editors for WinForms (LookUpEdit, GridLookUpEdit, SearchLookUpEdit) which support such scenario out-of-the-box. The idea is that LookUp editor has its own data source. When it is shown in the grid, it finds a value with from the grid cell in its data source (the key column determined by the LookUpEdit.Properties.ValueMember property) and shows the value from a field that selected as DisplayMember. So if you put a table that has MaterialRequestContractor and MaterialRequestContractorId fields, and properly select DisplayMember and ValueMember, the DevExpress grid should work just like you described.