I'm attempting to style an MVC kendo grid based on values in the underlying datasource. I have a mechanism that seems to work, but certain style elements (notably borders) do not seem to accept the new style class, whereas other elements (row background color) work fine.
@(Html.Kendo().Grid(Of RTFVM)().Name("RealTimeFinancials") _
.Events(Function(x) x.DataBound("LineItems_Databound")) _
c.Bound(Function(x) x.Line.LineItem).HtmlAttributes(New With {.style = "text-align:left"})
Event handler:
function LineItems_Databound() {
var grid = $("#RealTimeFinancials").data("kendoGrid");
var data = grid.dataSource.data();
$.each(data, function (i, row) {
var LineItem = row.Message;
switch(LineItem) {
case 'SubTotal': $('tr[data-uid="' + row.uid + '"]').css({ "border-style":"solid", "border-top":"single","background-color":"yellow"}); break;
case 'Total': $('tr[data-uid="' + row.uid + '"]').addClass('customClass'); break;
case 'GrandTotal': $('tr[data-uid="' + row.uid + '"]').css({ "border-style":"solid", "border-bottom":"double"}); break;
CSS Class:
.customClass {
Neither the .css or the .addClass have any effect on the row border style, whilst both happily change the background color of the row.
Is it that I need to do this at a cell-level? But that seems odd given the background color works row-wise.
I found this answer thanks to a combination of @j4ro's response in respect of styling the td rather than the row and researching how to iterate across td's in the tr applying the class. So - the javascript to iterate over the row is:
and the class is defined as (and I guess the key thing is the introduction of the k.grid reference):
Border property does not work with tr it only works with td so you can do what you need like that:
Alternatively you can use
property for tr but it styles whole border - you can't specify separately left, right, top and bottom border:Kendo grid's row borders can be changed as shown below,
This can be extended and manipulated according to the need. i.e.,
.k-grid tr td
or.k-grid th
or.k-grid table
and etc.