I am currently creating a web layout for an old database based on XPages. The users are Danish - and I want to ensure that they see a correct layout of dates and Danish labels on the pagers etc.
For the standard pager I am using the "custom" type and translate the "Previous" and "Next" labels (put it on a custom control and reuse that on all the pages). I did try to set the language on the pager, however, that does not change anything...?
Well, now I am also using the "pagerExpand" control from the Update Pack (official Extension Library). It shows correct labels based on the language in the browser. Since I cannot be sure that the language in the browser has been set correctly, I want to control that. How can I control these labels?
In the bigger perspective, I want to be able to control language in an application as a whole... (for other future applications)
I have created a XSnippet for controlling the language of a XPage application: http://openntf.org/XSnippets.nsf/snippet.xsp?id=xpages-localization-setter
To change the language in a XPage manually, you can do this in SSJS with this function:
Hope this helps
To set the correct language, you have to use java.util.Locale. To set the language f.e. to danish, add this to beforeRenderResponse: